Health Benefits of Longan (Lamyai) for your body and beauty

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Health Benefits of Longan (Lamyai) for your body and beauty

What are the Health Benefits of Longan (Lamyai) for your body and  beauty

The longan, also known as lamyai, is a fruit that somewhat resembles the lychee. Longan is native to Southern China. The shell is bark-like, reddish/brown, thin and less rough than the lychee. This makes the fruit easy to shell. The flesh is whitish, translucent, somewhat musky, sweet, and tastes somewhat like mango. The seed is round, jet-black, shining, with a circular white spot at the base.

Longan fruit circular with a diameter of 12-20 mm. Skin deep yellowish brown and coarse. The flesh is translucent white with a high water content making it suitable for making juice. In the midst of black fruit seeds are browned.

Did you know ?
Longan means "dragon eyes" in Chinese. The fruit is named  so because of the resemblance to an eyeball when it is shelled. The seed is round, black with a circular white spot at the base, giving it the aspect of an eye.
Longan is related to the lychee and is sometimes referred to as the 'little brother of the lychee'.
Seeds of the longan contain saponin, which sometimes is used in shampoo.

The fruit can easily be shelled by squeezing the fruit out as if you are "cracking" a sunflower seed. The seed should not be eaten.

The fruit is commonly eaten out of hand. Longan is also made in jams, jellies or marmalade. Furthermore Longan is used to make tea or even liqueur.

When to eat
Ripe longans are reddish/brown. Keep ripe longans refrigerated and consume within a few days.

What are the health benefits of Longan (Lamyai) for your body and beauty ?
Longan is good for the nervous system and is highly recommended as an anti-depressant
Longan is a calming influence, improves nerve function, overcoming irritation and reduce fatigue. Longan can also treat insomnia and other sleep disorders.

Longan help the heart and spleen
By reducing stress and fatigue, Longans lighten the work of the heart and spleen. Longan also can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke.

Longan accelerate healing and prolong life expectancy
Together with polyphenols, longan can fight free radicals in the body and prevent cell damage. Longan also can reduce the risk of developing several types of cancer.

Longan blood circulation
This is why the longan can be used to prevent anemia. In addition, longan proved capable of controlling iron levels in the body.

Longan is good for diet
Longan has a fat content and calories are very low. Longan half bowl only contains 35 calories, the right choice for a diet.

Longan is a good supplier of energy to the body
Despite having a low fat and calories, longan contain complex carbohydrates that can supply energy and increase stamina.

Longan is rich in Vitamin C
Many uses Vitamin C to the human family, including increasing the endurance and also protects the body from colds and flu.

Longan is beneficial for the skin
Longan is good for the skin because it contains anti-aging material. Primarily, longan prevent skin wrinkles near the eyes, minimize damage and exfoliate and brighten skin tone.

Longan seed is proven to treat snake bites
Massaging the area bitten by a snake with longan seeds can suck the venom once the wound heals.

Longan seed maintain the beauty of hair
Substances contained saponins longan seed is the basic ingredient of shampoo that can make hair become beautiful.

Main nutrients
Calcium, Iron, Niacin, Phosphorus, Protein, Vitamin A, B and C.

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from VegetaFruit
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