New Ways to Install Meta Keyword and Description of the Blog
New Ways to Install Meta Keyword and Description of the Blog
Welcome back my friend all met, at this time I could go back to share new ways andie in making a meta tag seo friendly on our templete. and one of them is to change or functioning of this meta keywords and description
need to know first that the Meta keywords and descriptions is an important element for search engine optimization for our blog. is a function of the meta keywords so that search engines / search engines easily recognize the contents and key ata we targeted from the blog that we have. while for meta desripsi, its function is to explain to visitors and search engines about the identity of our blog and our blogs include anything such.
and a bit of information, even for the current search engines / Google search engine is no longer in the Meta Keyword require a templete or blog, but other search engines like Bing, Yahoo or others still care about the meta keywords. so we are obliged to put it up.
Examples of the use of meta description in my blog when viewed from a search engine:
How to Create Meta description
Above is an example of desripsi a blog, which describes what kontesn contained in the blog. for it, now let us consider the steps to create the meta description and keywords
New Ways to Install Meta Keyword and Description on the blog:
Please login first mate to the dashboard
Click templete
Select the Edit HTML tab
Meta Description and Keyword
Tick the box "expand widget templates"
Find <b: skin> <! [CDATA [/ * by pressing CTRL + F
Put the following code above <b: skin> <! [CDATA [/ *
<b: if cond = 'data: == blog.url Data: blog.homepageUrl'>
<meta name = "description" content = "Description of a buddy here" />
<meta name = "keywords" content = "keywords a buddy here, such as toys, blog, seo, tutorials" />
</ b: if>
Click Save Template
Wait some time to complete
Along with the development of increasingly updating algorithms, the above methods can be considered as a duplicate description and search engines do not like such things, especially Google. Therefore, you should use the newer ways in put meta keywords and description in the blog and also each different article.
Replace all the above code with the code below
<b: if cond = 'data: blog.pageType == & quot; items & quot;'>
<title> <Data: blog.pageName /> | <data: blog.title /> </ title>
<meta expr: content = 'data: blog.pageName + & quot; , & Quot; + Data: blog.title + & quot; , & Quot; + Data: blog.pageName 'name =' description '/>
<meta expr: content = 'data: blog.pageName + & quot; , & Quot; + Data: blog.title + & quot; , & Quot; + Data: blog.pageName 'name =' keywords' />
<meta expr: content = 'data: blog.pageName' name = 'subject' />
<meta expr: content = 'data: blog.pageName' name = 'abstract' />
<b: else />
<title> <Data: blog.pageTitle /> </ title>
<meta content = 'Content with description of your blog in general. such as tutorials and blogs that contain information or any gadget 'name =' description '/>
<meta content = 'Content blog keywords according to your niche blog. if you blog about gadgets tutorials, then fill with price list, information gadgets, latest technology, etc. 'name =' keywords' />
</ b: if>
Code pink above, is the dynamic code for each article. which if implemented would read: title of article, name of blog, title of article
but if you want to use the settings in the search description bloggers, just replace all the meta description above code into the code <meta expr: content = 'data: blog.metaDescription' name = 'description' />
After doing the above process has been my friend, it is time to write articles that seo friendly as well. refer to the article in The New Way to Make SEO for blogs other than we are also SEO, but the article also enhance SEO's to your website / blog stretcher.
Quite easy to not New Way Install Meta Keywords and Description in the above blog. So first of all I can share, Hopefully useful and add a reference to my friend all. Thank you for listening and visiting.
here's an article entitled New Ways to Install Meta Keyword and Description of the Blog
Hopefully can provide benefits to all of you . Okay , so the posting of our Health - Recipes Care- this time.