Definition and List Search Operators

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Definition and List Search Operators

Definition and List Search Operators 

Search operator is a command or commands that you can enter into a search engine to search more spesifik.Hal mendapatkanhasil is more easily explained by direct gives you a list of search operators that you can use this diGoogle.Berikut is a list of search operators that are important for you to learn:

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site: url
  »This operator dugnakan with the URL to find all indexed pages from its parent domain. For example, if you enter
  pencarianGoogle into the box, then Google will display all pages of the domain

  which is indexed by Google.
inurl: keyword
  »This operator is used to search for URLs that contain keywords that the operator dimasukkansetelah. For example, if you enter
inurl: blogs
  into the Google search box, Google will display the search results that have
  in its URL. Like for example, http: // or or http:///blog/ or apapunyang core containing the word
  in its URL.
intitle: keyword
  »This operator is used to search for pages that contain keywords in its title carid (his tag title). For example, if you enter
  into the Google search box, Google will only display the pages with title tags containing the keyword "

allintitle: keyword
  »This operator is almost the same as the operator
, It's just that membedakanadalah search operators that allows you to enter more than one keyword and akanmemunculkan page containing a combination of these keywords in the title tag nya.Contoh: insert
  in the Google search box, will memunculkanhan-page containing the keyword "" and the keyword "Nature" in its title tag.
intext: keyword
  »This operator is used to only display results with specific keywords yangdicari in text pages. Example: if you type
  in the Google search box, it will display all the pages that have the keyword "" in the text (not in the title tag) .Terlihat as the search provider that is not useful, right? But I will teach later that operators inimemiliki especially later in the function 'combine search operators'.
"keyword keyword"
  »This operator is used to display the search results with specific phrases yangspesifik with sequence specific keyword. If you enter a long phrase into Google, and andatidak close it with quotation marks, then the search results will not display andacari phrase with the keywords you want to order. Example: if you type in "" in kotakpencarian Google, then Google will display results that have the phrase "" denganurutan keywords exactly the same as it was. If you enter without the "", then the search results will munculadalah essentially has the word "" and the word "Nature", Google does not menganggap Nature in the form of a phrase, but it is two separate keywords.
keyword * keyword
  »Operator * (asterisk) is used as a wild card. Operators are very bergunauntuk give us a keyword suggestion. Example: when searching on Google by searching " *", then Google will display the search results that contain the word and said  apapunsetelahnya. Google will display the search results for "", " Arifin", "Ilham", and other  Arifin-... Another example, suppose you type "* wordpress plugin", makaGoogle will display the search results for "top wordpress plugin" , "best wordpress plugins", "list of wordpress plugins", and so forth ...
~ keyword
  »Operator ~ which you put before the keywords used to search for keywords synonyms yangdianggap by Google. Example: If you enter
"~ Clothes korean"
  into the search box

Google, then Google will display the search results as "Korean clothing", "dress korea", "pakaiankorea" and so forth.
  »Operator .. (double dots) used to find the number that is located in angkapertama to the next digit. For example, typing "top 1..99 steak recipe" in the search box akanmemunculkan Google search results for "top 10 steak recipe", "top 25 steak recipe", "top 7 steak recipe" danseterusnya ...
fi letype:
  »Search operator is useful to bring up the search results for a particular type of file sepertimisalnya PDF file or DOC file. Example, "filetype: pdf  nature" will bring up results pencarianberupa PDF file containing the keyword "" and the keyword "natural".
  »This operator is used to prevent the presence of the keyword appearing on hanpencarian. Search results will only display results WITHOUT these keywords. For example, typing
natural -
  into the Google search box will bring up the page mengandungkeyword "natural" but does NOT include the keyword "".
+ keyword
  »This operator is used to make these keywords MUST appear in the results pencarian.Search operator makes each page that appears in the search results have tersebut.Contoh keywords, typing
+  online business
  will bring up the search results where each page of the online business and adahubungannya with and CONTAINING keyword "" in it.
keyword OR keyword
  »This operator is used as a command" or "in a search engine. And akanmenampilkan results of two keywords that you enter, but not both secarabersamaan in one page. example:
"Korean clothing" OR "Muslim clothing"
  will bring hasilpencarian for the keyword "Korean clothing" and "Muslim clothing" .Search operators there are actually a few more, but I deliberately did not include because I include boolean operators yangtidak did not so often I use the site to find a list mendapatkanbacklink. So, I deliberately did not include because it may not be so useful for you

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