Thriuvadhirai Kali (Sweet pudding from roasted rice)

Thriuvadhirai Kali (Sweet pudding from roasted rice) - Hallo friend Health - Care- Recipes, At the time of this article's titleThriuvadhirai Kali (Sweet pudding from roasted rice), we have presented information about cooking , beauty , care , health , recipes that hopefully can provide benefits to our daily life.

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Thriuvadhirai Kali (Sweet pudding from roasted rice)

However experienced we are in cooking, sometimes when we do Thiruvathirai kali we get doubt in the proportion of rice and jagerry, amount of water to be kept, and the method for roasting the rice. And also there are instances when the rice does not cook or boil properly and stay crunchy. Here are some tips and perfect, easy method for doing this traditional sweet..
  • Pre time: 15 mins
  • Cooking time: 15 to 20 mins
  • Serves:4

Ingredients for making Thiruvadhirai Kali:

Raw rice 250 gms
Moongh dal 2 tea spoons
Jagerry equal quantity of the powdered rice
Shredded coconut 3 table spoons
Ghee  / Clarified butter 3 table spoons
Green cardamom powder 1/2 tea spoon
A pinch of salt

Recipe for making Tiruvathirai Kali:

Heat a heavy bottomed pan. 
Once it gets heated keep the flame to low. 
Add rice to the pan and patiently roast it. 
Keep stirring till the rice completely becomes golden brown  in colour. 
Transfer it to a dry bowl and allow it to cool. 
Add 2 tea spoons of dry roasted moongh dal to it.
Once it gets cool down powder it in a mixie. It should not be a smooth or fine powder. It must be a coarse powder.
Sine it is roasted rice powder it absorbs water well. So, for 1 cup of rice powder the water is  3 and 1/4 cups.
Measure the powdered rice and take qual quantity of powdered jagerry.
Dissolve the powdered jagerry in a cup of water and warm it. Once the jagerry completely melts, filter the water and remove the dusts.
Now add this jaggery water to the rest of water. So the proportion is for 1 cup of rice powder, the jaggery water is 3 & 1/4 cups.
In a vessel add the rice powder, salt,  jaggery water,  and 3 tb spoon of grated fresh coconut.
Keep them in a pressure cooker and cook up to 3 whistles.Then keep the flame in low and cook for 10 minutes.  Switch off the stove.
After the steam is released, take it out.
Add cardamom powder and mix well with a ladle.
Saute it with cashew, chopped coconuts as you wish in ghee . Otherwise just add a tb spoon of ghee mix well and the Kali is ready.    

from Bhojana Recipes
cooking , beauty, care , health , recipes

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