Trump fires Chief White House Usher Angella Reid from job

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Trump fires Chief White House Usher Angella Reid from job

Don't jump to conclusions—hear me out first. When Donald Trump became  the 45th American President, it was clear that a lot of things would change, both at home and abroad. 
Chief White House Usher Angella Reid
Angella Reid was first black female White  House Usher 
New administrations usually shake things up. But in recent history, there hasn't been a shaking up quite like the one being experienced with the outspoken President. When Trump fired first black female Chief Usher from the White House position she'd held since 2011, Some called it racism, while some are said he did it just to spite his predecessor Obama. But to call it the inevitable changes that come with the new administration is a lot less dramatic,and yet more plausible.
According to reports from the White House, the Trump administration has fired its chief usher, Angella Reid, who was the first woman and second African-American to hold the position.
An unexpected dismissal. White House residence staff were shocked with the news when they arrived at work Friday morning and were told that Reid had been fired.

Although no reasons were given, there was some weird explanation about how she simply loved being fired.  (top secret maybe). Speaking to reporters on her dismissal, White House deputy press secretary, Sarah Huckabee Sanders said that Reid 'left on very good terms and we wish her the very best.'
'It’s not uncommon that you might have a transition of staff when a new administration comes in. And it’s simply nothing more than that,' she added.

  It was a post that carried a lot of responsibility. Reid had an important job at the White House, where she had to coordinate all activities at the residence, including handling everything from the large staff of butlers, maids, chefs, florists and electricians to fiscal, administrative and personal duties. She had been very Close to the Obamas  and she is also a staunch Hillary Clinton loyalist. This is something that doesn't sit well with Trump, hence the dismissal.

Very few have held this post in decades. Infact there have only been 9 Chief ushers in the White House since the 20th century.

We will soon learn who replaces Reid.

from Nelstorm's blog:Top Celebrity News and Gossip
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