7 Types of Vegetable For Woman Pregnancy

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7 Types of Vegetable For Woman Pregnancy

What is pregnancy ?

Pregnancy, also known as gravidity or gestation, is the time during which one or more offspring develops inside a woman. A multiple pregnancy involves more than one offspring, such as with twins. Pregnancy can occur by sexual intercourse or assisted reproductive technology. It usually lasts around 40 weeks from the last menstrual period (LMP) and ends in childbirth. This is just over nine lunar months, where each month is about 29½ days. When measured from conception it is about 38 weeks. An embryo is the developing offspring during the first eight weeks following conception, after which, the term fetus is used until birth. Symptoms of early pregnancy may include missed periods, tender breasts, nausea and vomiting, hunger, and frequent urination. Pregnancy may be confirmed with a pregnancy test.

Here are some Types of Vegetable For Woman Pregnancy :

1. Carrot

The carrot (Daucus carota subsp. sativus) is a root vegetable, usually orange in colour, though purple, red, white, and yellow varieties exist. It has a crisp texture when fresh. The most commonly eaten part of a carrot is a taproot, although the greens are sometimes eaten as well. It is a domesticated form of the wild carrot Daucus carota, native to Europe and southwestern Asia.

Pregnant mothers would need more nutrients for the growth of the fetus and the mother's own health. All types vegetables in general is a high source of nutrients, but each color has its own nutritional superiority. Carrots in this case, is included colored vegetables, including pumpkins and many contain a compound called beta-carotene. Are beta-carotene? beta-carotene is a provitamin A, which is converted by the body into vitamin A. There are many benefits of carrots if consumed by pregnant women, especially to meet the needs vitamin A for good vision for the development of the fetus and the mother's own.

Anyone would know that carrots are rich in vitamin A and beneficial for eye health. So, what only that the content of the nutrients found in carrots? carrots turned out to contain many nutrients that are beneficial to health, including the pregnant woman and her fetus. Below are some types of nutrients and benefits of carrots for pregnancy you need to know.

Vitamin C
Vitamin C is beneficial to enhance the immune system or immune pregnant women, pregnant women increase collagen production, maintain the health and growth of bones and teeth in pregnant women and fetuses. In addition, vitamin C is always needed to help with the absorption of iron in the body. Vitamin C is also a very important role in optimizing the growth and development of the fetus and to prevent the risk of birth defects.

Potassium is very beneficial for pregnant women to prevent muscle cramps, maintain a normal heart rate and increase blood flow to the brain, keeping the system of neural networks, and maintain cholesterol levels remain normal.

2. Kale

Kale or Asparagus officinalis is a spring vegetable, a flowering perennial plant species in the genus Asparagus. It was once classified in the lily family, like its Allium cousins, onions and garlic, but the Liliaceae have been split and the onion-like plants are now in the family Amaryllidaceae and asparagus in the Asparagaceae. Asparagus officinalis is native to most of Europe, northern Africa and western Asia, and is widely cultivated as a vegetable crop.

Eating kale during pregnancy is an excellent option for expectant mothers. The dark green leafy vegetables come loaded with all the nutrients that are just right for your growing baby.

The special part about this vegetable is the abundance of fiber, vitamins and calcium. The nutritional value of kale helps build a healthy baby inside. Read further to know the relation between kale and pregnancy.

3. Cabbage

Cabbage (Brassica oleracea or variants) is a leafy green or purple biennial plant, grown as an annual vegetable crop for its dense-leaved heads. Closely related to other cole crops, such as broccoli, cauliflower, and brussels sprouts, it descends from B. oleracea var. oleracea, a wild field cabbage. Cabbage heads generally range from 0.5 to 4 kilograms (1 to 9 lb), and can be green, purple and white. Smooth-leafed firm-headed green cabbages are the most common, with smooth-leafed red and crinkle-leafed savoy cabbages of both colors seen more rarely. It is a multi-layered vegetable. Under conditions of long sunlit days such as are found at high northern latitudes in summer, cabbages can grow much larger. Some records are discussed at the end of the history section.

For pregnant women, it is advisable to consume cauliflower. You need to know that cauliflower has several nutrients that are good for the health of the fetus.

Because during pregnancy you really need a lot of nutrients. To that end, it is important to meet nutritional needs. Here are some of the benefits of cauliflower for pregnant women.

Absorb Iron
Pregnant women are required to consume foods that contain lots of iron. Cauliflower have iron content needed for pregnant women. This can reduce the risk of premature birth.

Cauliflower is also made up of calcium. As you know that calcium is good for bones and teeth. Therefore, cauliflower consume every day it is so you and the fetus remains healthy.

4. Eggplant (Brinjal)

Eggplant or Brinjal, is a very low calorie vegetable and has healthy nutrition profile; good news for weight watchers! The veggie is popularly known as aubergine in the western world.

Botanically, aubergine belongs to Solanaceae family and named as Solanum melongena. This perennial plant is native to Indian subcontinent and now grown in many tropical and semitropical regions.

Here are some Benefits of Eggplant (Brinjal) During Pregnancy 

For substances Antioxidant Benefits eggplant next to pregnant women is as a free-radical scavengers (antioxidants) are good. With regular consumption of eggplant, fetuses and pregnant women can be free and safe from the attack of free radicals that threaten the outdoors.

Lowering High Blood Pressure Toxicity pregnancy (preeclampsia) that occurs due to high blood pressure pregnant women at increased risk of miscarriage and other pregnancy problems. Therefore, for pregnant women who suffer from hypertension, it is advisable to get treatment from the doctor that the problem can be resolved as early as possible. One way that can be done to reduce high blood pressure naturally is to eat eggplant regularly. Eggplant contains riboflavin and thiamin, both are substances that can help you overcome the problem of high blood pressure

5. Asparagus 

Asparagus is a young tender stem vegetable, erupting from its underground root-system. Its flvorful spears were well recognized since ancient Greeks and Romans as a prized delicacy. One of the oldest recorded vegetables, it thought to have originated along the coastal regions of eastern Mediterranean and Asia Minor regions.

It was once classified in the lily family, like its Allium cousins, onions and garlic, but the Liliaceae have been split and the onion-like plants are now in the family Amaryllidaceae and asparagus in the Asparagaceae. Asparagus officinalis is native to most of Europe, northern Africa and western Asia, and is widely cultivated as a vegetable crop.

Here are some Health Benefits of Asparagus for Pregnant

Controlling blood sugar
Eating asparagus is able to control blood sugar levels because asparagus contains vitamin B high enough. So do not be surprised if this one vegetable that is very beneficial for diabetics.

Increasing milk production
For you who are breastfeeding the baby, it does not hurt to eat vegetables this one. Because, eating asparagus can increase milk production.

More Benefits of Asparagus For Woman Pregnancy

6. KangKong (Water spinach)

Water Spinach (Ipomoea aquatica) is a semiaquatic, tropical plant grown as a vegetable for its tender shoots and leaves. It is found throughout the tropical and subtropical regions of the world, although it is not known where it originated. This plant is known in English as water spinach, river spinach, water morning glory, water convolvulus, or by the more ambiguous names Chinese spinach, Chinese Watercress, Chinese convolvulus, swamp cabbage or kangkong in Southeast Asia.

Occasionally, it has also been mistakenly called "kale" in English, although kale is a strain of mustard belonging to the species Brassica oleracea and is completely unrelated to water spinach, which is a species of morning glory. It is known as phak bung in Thai, ong choy in Cantonese, kongxincai in Mandarin Chinese, rau muống in Vietnamese, kangkong in Tagalog, trokuon in Khmer, kolmou xak in Assamese, kalmi shak in Bengali, kangkung in Indonesian, Malay and Sinhalese and hayoyo in Ghana.

Nutrient content of 100 grams of KangKong (Water spinach)
  • Energy 29 cal
  • Protein 3 g Fat 0.3 g
  • Carbohydrates 5.4 g
  • Fiber 1.0 g
  • Calcium 73 mg
  • Phosphorus 50 mg
  • Iron 2.5 mg
  • Vitamin A 6,300 IU
  • Vitamin B1 0.07 mg
  • Vitamin C 32 mg
  • Water 89.7 g
Nutrition: Despite the fact that it requires very little care, Kang Kong is a highly nutritious plant with high levels of protein, calcium, iron, potassium, & vitamins A B & C. A valuable addition to the diet.

7. Meize (Corn) 

Maize, known in some English-speaking countries as corn, is a large grain plant domesticated by indigenous peoples in Mesoamerica in prehistoric times. The leafy stalk produces ears which contain the grain, which are seeds called kernels. Maize kernels are often used in cooking as a starch. The six major types of maize are dent, flint, pod, popcorn, flour, and sweet.

Sweet corn is a special maize variety in which its tender, delicious kernels eaten as a vegetable. In contrast to traditional field corn, sugar corn varieties are harvested when their corn-ear just reached milk stage, and used sooner since its sugars tend to quickly convert into starch. Corn is native to Central American region, which later introduced to the rest of the world by Spanish explorers.

Genetically, it differs from the field corn by mutation at the sugary (su) locus. Its crop has achieved a major success as one of the important commercial cash crops in many tropical and semi-tropical countries.

Here are the Health Benefits of Meize (Corn) for Pregnant Women (During Pregnancy)

Complete nutrition of pregnant women
Corn is rich in Vitamin B complex is useful for nerve health. Corn is also rich in minerals such as magnesium, manganese, iron, copper and selenium. Benefits maize separately nutrition of pregnant women here can maintain overall health. The agency also is not easily tired, tired and sore with corn meal on a regular basis

from VegetaFruit http://ift.tt/1WV2bUR
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