Words of Wisdom set

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Words of Wisdom set

Words of Wisdom set

Honesty is the soul of jewelry that is more luminous than the diamond

Learning without thinking is useless , while thinking without learning is dangerous .

Love to God is the height of love . The valley of love is love of neighbor .

Nobility of character will appear in speech and action .
Words of Wisdom set
Words of Wisdom set

People with big hearts steadfast stance , but not stubborn .

Give me your love for your Lord and your Lord pull me your love , you certainly will not be disappointed .

Love beautiful like two hands clapping , no would be wonderful if just next to it.

We would love to talk instinct that we adore , but do not always love what we worship .

Sight up to akhiratmu affairs and sight down to business then your world will live in safety.

Someone who oprimis will see an opportunity in every calamity , while the pessimist sees calamity in every opportunity .

Remember , the man may love something that would harm himself or hate something useful for him . Ask for His guidance .

A true friend is a person who can say the truth to you , not someone who just justify your words .

Working at the instigation of love will feel happy not bored and tired .

Great people on the path towards the destination through great obstacles and hardships .

Do good to others as doing good to yourself .

People whose brains were not the perfect , but those who take the best of imperfect brain .

Fixing yourself is a powerful tool to repair others .

If someone you do not love him you hate , because it will probably grow a seed of love again .

Love will crush anyone who follows the motion , but without grinding love , no life was beautiful .

Not your intelligence , but rather the attitude that you are going to lift you in life .

Struggle means that if a person would much from yourself.

If unrequited love , then be thankful because God has given valuable life with His love mercy .

In a word , why do not you humble yourself , but in your ability to show activity .

Decisive vary much violently . Firmly established in wisdom while it was hard cruel arbitrariness .

If the love was unrequited then bersukurlah , because you will be chosen God better .

Character is not necessarily hard to be assertive , but gentle can often decisive .

The nature of people is degrading day high berlilmu to humans and God fearing .

A good example is the best advice ( Fuller )

If we serve , it will be more meaningful life ( John Gardne )

If someone is still inside there is a sense of shame and fear to do something good , then that person is a guarantee for a meeting he will not progress a single step . - Bung Karno

We all live in suspense , from time to time , as well as from day to day ; in other words , we are the hero of our own story . - Mary Mccarthy

Three human nature is destructive , files are to be followed , passions that followed , as well as the nature of excessive self-esteem . - Prophet Muhammad

What appears to be a charity, often in fact no other than the disguised ambition , which ignores the interests of small to pursue the interests of the larger . - La Roucefoucauld

All that began with anger , embarrassment will end up with . - Benjamin Franklin

Heart full of gratitude , not only is the greatest virtue , but is also the parent of all other virtues . - Cicero

People who managed to take advantage of the mistakes that he did , and will try to get back to perform in a different way . - Dale Carnegie

The term no time , rarely a reason to be honest , because basically we all have the same 24 hours each day . Needs to be improved is to divide time more carefully . - George Downing

The real threat is not actually on start to think like a human , but when people begin to think like computers . - Sydney Harris

Heroes are not people who dare to hack his sword into the opponent 's shoulder , but the real hero is the person who can control themselves when his he was angry . - Prophet Muhammad

How to be ahead is to start now . If you start now , next year you will know many things that are unknown , and you will not know the future if you are waiting for . - William Feather

In a matter of conscience , mind pertamalah best . In a matter of discretion , the latter best thought . - Robert Hall

Learn from the mistakes of others . You can not live long enough to do all the error itself . - Martin Vanbee

Great people in any field is not new work because they are inspired , but they became inspired because they prefer to work . They did not waste time waiting for inspiration . - Ernest Newman

Successful people have learned to make themselves do things to be done when it had to be done , whether they like it or not . - Aldus Huxley

Most of us do not appreciate what we already have , but we always regret what we have not achieved . - Schopenhauer

The most dangerous enemy in this world is timid and indecisive . The most loyal friends , only the courage and strong faith . - Andrew Jackson

Something that has not been done , often seem impossible ; we just believe that we have managed to do well . - Evelyn Underhill

Wrongdoings are common to humans , but the actions that are actually pretending that lead to hostility and betrayal . - Johan Wolfgang Goethe

If people hold the belief , then there goes skepticism . However , if people have already started to hold on to skepticism , then there goes the belief . - Sir Francis Bacon

Because man will love her , for her tersembunyilah disgrace himself ; does not seem real to him though . The outlook despite how small the amount . - Jalinus At Thabib

Be steadfast as a rock that was not dashed his hit waves . He not only stood firm , even appease the anger he waves and waves it . - Marcus Aurelius

We see it like a rainbow happiness , never be above our own heads , but always be on top of other people's heads . - Thomas Hardy

Glass , china and reputation , is something that is easily broken , and will not be glued back without leaving visible scars . - Benjamin Franklin

Hospitality in words creates confidence , thinking hospitality in creating peace , hospitality in giving creates love . - Lao Tse

Live like a lush fruit trees ; living on the edge of the road and pelted with stones , but rewarded with fruit . - Abu Bakr Sibli

Grace often comes to us in the form of pain , loss and disappointment ; but if we are patient , we will soon see its original form . - Joseph Addison

The best part of one's life is the good deeds and love that no one else knows . - William Wordsworth

We pray that the distress and in need of something , we should also pray in time of great excitement and abundant sustenance . - Kahlil Gibran

Everyone does not need to be ashamed of never making mistakes , as long as he became wiser than before . - Alexander Pope

A true friend is one who grabbed your hand and touches your heart . - Heather Pryor

Many failures in life because people do not realize how close they were to success when they gave up . - Thomas Alva Edison

The absence keyakinanlah that makes people afraid to face the challenges ; and I believe in myself . - Muhammad Ali

Our greatest pride is not never failing , but rising every time we fall back . - Confucius

Live like a lush fruit trees ; living on the edge of the road and pelted with stones , but rewarded with fruit . - Abu Bakr Sibli

Be ye man at birth everyone laughing happily , but only you yourself are crying ; and the death of all the sad cry , but only you yourself smiling . - Mahatma Gandhi

As God is my soul in His hand , one is not a believer until he loves for his brother as he loves himself . ~ Prophet Muhammad

Stay away from envy , because envy takes good deeds as fire devours firewood . ~ Prophet Muhammad

The best among you are those who most noble morals . ~ Prophet Muhammad

God does not look in such form and your possessions , but He looks at the heart and your deeds . ~ Prophet Muhammad

God 's love surrounds the heart , the love of the heart and even penetrated guide to all things . ~ Imam Al Ghazali

Reach for science , and science to learn to achieve calm and patient . ~ Caliph ' Umar

Every person in this world is a guest , and the money was a loan . The guest must go , sooner or later , and the loan must be refunded . ~ Ibn Mas'ud

Know that impatient , if someone is seen in problems like the head of a body . If the head is lost then the whole body will rot . Similarly , if patience is lost , then all the problems will be broken . ~ Caliph ' Ali

Patient has two sides , one side is the patient , the other side is thankful to God . ~ Ibn Mas'ud

Fear ye will sin when alone , at this time that your witness is also your judges . ~ Caliph ' Ali

The best person I like is he who shows fault . ~ Caliph ' Umar

Intention is to assess the true size of an act , therefore , when the intention is correct, then the act is true , and if the intention is bad, then it's bad deeds . ~ Imam An Nawawi

I watched all friends , and did not find a better friend than keeping the tongue . I think about all the clothes , but did not find a better outfit than piety . I'm contemplating about any kind of good deed , but does not get better than giving good advice . I'm looking for any form of sustenance , but did not find a better sustenance than patience . ~ Caliph ' Umar

He who created the mosquito eye is the One who created the sun . ~ Bediuzzaman Said Nursi

Suffering souls directs ugliness . Despair is the source of heresy ; and the heart of darkness , the base of the suffering souls . ~ Bediuzzaman Said Nursi

Togetherness in a society produces calmness in all activities of the society , while the hostile stagnates causing the entire activity . ~ Bediuzzaman Said Nursi

Revive the religion means to turn a nation . His life is the life of religion means light . ~ Bediuzzaman Said Nursi

Someone who sees the good in things means having good thoughts . And gar that have a good mind to get pleasure from life . ~ Bediuzzaman Said Nursi

Knowledge is not enough ; we have to practice it . Intention is not enough ; we must do . ~ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Prevention is better than cure . ~ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Wisdom is found only in truth . ~ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Science without religion is lame . ~ Einstein

Peace can not be kept by force . It can only be achieved by understanding . ~ Einstein

True religion is real living ; living with all one's soul , with all one's goodness and virtue . ~ Einstein

Two things that arouse my astonishment - sky studded with stars above and the universe is full of wisdom in it . ~ Einstein

What I see in Nature is a grand structure that we can not understand with very thorough , and it is already supposed to be someone who always thinks enclosed feeling of humility . ~ Einstein

It's a bit of those who see with their own eyes and feel with their own hearts . ~ Einstein

Try not to become a man of success but try to be a useful man . ~ Einstein

Not everything that can be counted to calculate , and not everything that can be counted to calculate . ~ Einstein

Not everything that can be counted to calculate , and not everything that can be counted to calculate . ~ Einstein

True , you are a king ruling the world . Everyone showed his loyalty to you ! Then what? Tomorrow you will be laid in the tomb as a house . And from all directions , the people will throw dust cover you ketubuhmu .

Although you made ​​king ruler of the world , you will not run away from death , and leave the world to this day even though the enemy face to smile , tomorrow it will surely make you sad .

I saw a man come into the world and then go away , World and treasure always moving , with the same wings to fly .

The world does not remain with a man who lives anywhere, also no one who lives forever enjoy its pleasures , death and misery like two horses that ran quickly toward the man , to trample them and devour them .

Hey stupid , which deceived by the appeal of the world ! Think about it and take something ( goodness ) of this world for , to help you in the afterlife .

I got lost in negligence , the death is being moved towards me , more and more closer . If I do not let this day , I would die tomorrow .

I treat my body with fine clothes and fancy , little thinking that it would rot and disintegrate in the grave .

I imagine my body crumbled to dust in the grave , Beneath the mound . The beauty of my body will gradually disappear , gradually reduced to abide framework , without skin and meat .

I see the moments of life slip away , but my wishes are still not being met . A long journey unfolds in front of me , while I'm no provision for the road .

I oppose my Lord , violate His commandments openly , while he watched me all the time .

Ouch ! I indulge in my shameful deeds ! Ah ! Whatever has happened can not be eliminated and the time has passed when it can not be withdrawn .

Ah ! I sinned in secret , never people gradually know my sins are terrible . But tomorrow , the secret of my sins ditampakan and presented to the Lord .

Ah ! I sinned against him , even though the heart was afraid , but I really believe in His mercy infinite , I am sinful and shameless , boldly rely on His mercy infinite .

Who else besides Him , who will forgive my sins . Indeed He is worthy of all praise ! If there is no torment after death . There is no promise of heaven , there is no threat of hell . Death and decay quite as a warning , so that we avoid futile . But the reason we are ignorant . We do not take any warning . Now there is no hope for us , except the Most Forgiving, forgive our sins , because when a servant to do wrong , only his Lord , no one who forgives no doubt I was the worst of all his servants .

I have betrayed my covenant with my Lord made ​​in eternity . And , is capable servant that his promises do not mean . My God , how my fate would be , when the fire burn my body ? The fire melted the hardest rock !

Ah ! I myself when raised from the grave ( without anyone to help me on that day ) . O Thou , the One who has no partner to your greatness . Twelve kasihanillah loneliness , because abandoned by everything .

It was the most slippery roads even ulamapun foot slipped on it is greed .

Nothing is better than two goodness : Faith in God and beneficial to humans . Nothing is worse of two evils : Shirk in Allah and harm humans .

Three marks the perfection of faith : When angry , angry not out of truth . If happy , happy not bring the evil . When able to reply , he was forgiven .

Tertipulah who did three cases : Justify what was going on , rely on people who do not believe, and desire what is not possessed .

God buried him malice ; God put out her hostility ; Through it tied fraternity ; Dimulyakan abject . High humbled .

Sharing sustenance with sincere , filial to parents , to do good for others , change sorrow into happy and adds age .

All science is no subject matter . The subject is a human science Prophets ... They came to educate humans .

The best people are those that we expect kindness and we sheltered from the ugliness .

If people can be four things , it can be the good of the Hereafter : Be grateful , remembrance tongue , body steadfast in trials , and a loyal partner to keep himself and his property .

The Prophet asked the virtues bermanfaatkah after sin ? He replied : Repentance cleanse sin , goodness abolish evil.

Most humans are both generous and grateful people in spaciousness , which put the other person , be patient in trouble .

The three men will not be fought except by those who despised : the knowledgeable people who apply their knowledge , intelligent people and the priest fair scholar .

There is no calamity that , ore than underestimate sin - odsamu and feel pleased with the current state of rohaniahmu .

Heart Is a Field . Indeed there is half the words it harder than stone , sharper than a needle prick , more bitter than jadam , and hotter than coal . Truly the heart is a field , then plant it with a kind word , because if it does not grow everything ( which is not a good word ) , undoubtedly grow sebahagiannya .

Indeed a servant that if you indulge a feeling ujub jewelry world , Allah will be angry with him until he let go of the jewelry. ( Hadrat Abu Bakr )

People are griping that no one will escape rather than devastating than 4 properties namely : He will die and his property will be taken by the next of kin , and spent not in place or ; his property would be taken by force by a despotic ruler or ; his property into a fight and the bad guys will also be used for evil or ; sometimes it gets stolen treasure and used it on a road spree useless ( Hadrat Abu Bakr )

Whoever fears Allah SWT will not be seen nescaya anger . And whoever fears Allah , not in vain what she wants . ( Hadrat Umar )

People who laugh that much less authority . People who like to insult others , he will also be insulted . People who menyintai Hereafter , the world would accompany it . Whoever maintain the honor of others, will surely honor him awake . ( Hadrat Umar )

You ought to pay more attention to how it is received than many deeds of charity , you indulge too little actual deeds with piety . How does the practice was to be accepted ? ( Hadrat Ali Karamallahu Wajhah )

Do not expect someone other than the servant of the Lord and let him in addition to his fear . ( Hadrat Ali Karamallahu Wajhah )

There is no good worship no knowledge and there is no good science that is not understood and there is no good reading if there is no concern for him . ( Hadrat Ali Karamallahu Wajhah )

There is no perfect prayer without soul humility . There is no perfect fasting without preventing themselves rather than act in vain . There is no kindness to the reader of the Koran without taking pangajaran thereof . There is no good for people who have knowledge without having the nature of wara ' . There is no goodness without mutual friend took pity - compassion . The best favors are eternal favors held . The most perfect prayer is prayer based on sincerity . Whoever talkative , then a lot of harm anyway , who's a lot of harm , then there goes his pride , who lost his pride , he does not bererti wara ' , while those who do not wara ' it bererti her death . ( Hadrat Ali Karamallahu Wajhah )

Among the signs of the wise man is : His heart was always intending sacred . His tongue is always wet with dhikrullah . Cried his eyes his deep regret ( against sin ) . Dihadapaiya all things with patience and fortitude. Prioritize afterlife than life world . ( Hadrat Utshman bin Affan )

There is no holy man who has no past . There is no human being who does not sin punyai future ( anonymous )

Future would not go back and age will not be passed again last night so make today better than overnight and tomorrow better than today ( anonymous )

Nothing is certain in the world except death . And no closer than us except death .

" From Abu Hurairah ' Abdurrahman Bin Shakhr RA , the Prophet SAW said : Verily Allah Almighty does not look at your body shape and do not even see your shapes but God sees your heart . " ( Narrated by Muslim )

Rasulullah SAW said : " Whoever troubled in a problem let him say Laa laa quwwata Haula wa illa bil - laahil ' aliyyil - ' adheem ' ( There is no power and no strength except with Allah almighty help High, Most Great" ( Bayhaqi and Ar Rabi'i )

God hides His pleasure in the goodness . So do not underestimate the slightest kindness . Because we will never know which one gets the good pleasure of Allah .

Close the entrances of Shaytan , namely : arrogant , angry , overeating , ornate not to the husband / wife , to accumulate accumulate treasure , envy, jealousy , and shirk .

Make Patience and Prayer as helpers . And truly that Really Heavy , Except For the People khusyu . ( Al -Baqarah : 45 ) .


Blanks ( End ) WHAT WE DO WITH PRAYER . ( Mario )

Be thankful if you are already at the lowest level in your life , because there is no other choice but to go up . ( Mario )

Learn from ants . When confronted with a wall running and in front of it, they see it as the only way to rise to the top , nothing more . ( Mario )

Do not limit the good that you can do because it will limit you can achieve greatness . ( Mario )

Establish yourself as a friend for the good of others , then watch what happens . ( Mario )

Price we only comparable to our appreciation of the time . ( Mario )

Every day has the potential well ; but does not each of us focusing on personal feelings, thoughts , and actions that turn potential into reality both good . ( Mario )

Apparently , the time to sort out people based on the quality of his attitude in the use of time . ( Mario )

That being good at using time , will live well . Underestimate the time , will live penyepelean protest from others . ( Mario )

You are the pens that write your own life story . If you choose contains stories of love and beauty , then use your hand is the hand of God . ( Mario )

Then made ​​haste to add goodness in every step of your daily life , so that the magic that organize trips to move your life to the roads leading to the gardens of the beauty of life . ( Mario )

Reluctance is a very large force , either to achieve success or cause failure . So engganlah involved in things that do not produce . And made ​​haste to produce things , even the slightest . ( Mario )

Not a lack of knowledge hinders success , but insufficient action . And not less intelligent thought to slow changes in this life , but the lack of use of the mind and intellect . ( Mario )

If there is a lesson to be updated immediately you sense the closest friend whose name it your self , then it is a lesson about courage - a willingness to act in the name for which is based on the notion that good . ( Mario )

To be happy , confused , disappointed , sad , or angry is a matter of decision . If you decide to feel happy then you bahagialah . With it , your happiness is actually the result of accuracy of your decisions ( MTST - Deciding To Be Happy ) .

The people who worked hard today and make sure that it does today deserves an award in the future , will be more happy later welcomed future come with better quality . ( MT Star Point )

The beginning of our lives - not our plan , and when the end of the matter - not our decision ; but it has been increasingly clear to us that our job is to make the time between the beginning and the end of it , as a most beautiful journey that we can accomplish with our efforts , and with the loving help of the invisible hand . ( MT - Becoming is more important than Having )

Nobody ever became muski for sharing ( Anne Frank )

All achievements , all earned riches , stems from the idea ( Napoleon Hill )

Better pain words written on the paper brought darpada mummy inside the ( Anne Frank )

When the maximum effort , we will never know what miracle will come to us or to anyone else ( Hellen Keller )

As a woman , I have no country . My country is the world 's ( Virginia Wolf )

I believe everyone is basically really good heart ( Anne Frank )

We could never learn to be brave and patient if in this world there is only happiness ( Hellen Keller )

You will never find peace by ignoring life ( Virginia Wolf )

Happiness is anyone going to make other people happy too ( Anne Frank )

No self- pity is the worst enemy in this world ( Helen Keller )

You do not know what will happen it's just keep trying to do my best ( Rhodam Hillary Clinton )

There is nothing more fun than raises a smile on the faces of others, especially our loved ones face ( RA Kartini )

Untukbisa enjoy the freedom we have to control ourselves ( Virginia Wolf )

Not a pessimist who is able to uncover the secret pin the stars ( Hellen Keller )

Politics is heavy , there is a lot of energy that you have to devote ( Rhodam Hillary Clinton )

Laziness does seem tempting , but work gives satisfaction ( Anne Frank )

The pride and satisfaction of working makes me a better man ( Cindy Crawford )

Much more difficult to kill the shadows rather than kill a reality ( Virginia Wolf )

I do not have goals for myself . My goal for Indonesia Indonesian religions so prosperous State ( SK Trimurti )

Although relatively new democracy in Indonesia , has many achievements earned ( Rhodam Hillary Clinton )

Remarkably, you do not need to start changing the world khususuntuk time ( Anne Frank )

They can because they think they can ( Virginia Wolf )

Highest result of education is the attitude teloransi ( Hellen Keller )

If we do not know who own , we will not love ourselves ( Indayati Oetomo )

You can not make decisions based on fear or what might happen in the future . We can not get up that way ( Michelle Obama )

More gold has been mined from human thinking compared to that taken from the ground ( Napoleon Hill )

here's an article entitled Words of Wisdom set

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